Monday, April 27, 2009

MEETING 4/25/09 Yupo Process

Hello everyone!
We had a fabulous meeting on Saturday - and we have images of the event to share.
Chapter Member Betty Lehnus did a demonstration of the watercolor pencil & Yupo paper technique - what fun!
She also brought enough samples for everyone to experiment with - we all got to draw, play, and share the process as a group. Please see the images below for an overview of the supplies and process, examples of Betty's finished works and contact Betty for an questions you might have. :)

Don't forget you can click on the images for a larger view.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Hello chapter members!

I'd like to ask everbody who will be at our next meeting to bring their pencils -- especially any water-color pencils they may have -- I'll be doing a demo of how the Yupo paper+color+plastic wrap works and you'll be able to experiment with small samples I will have prepared.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Member: Betty Lehnus

Betty Lehnus recently contacted CPSA Founder, Vera Curnow, to discuss some of her thoughts about working with colored pencils. At her request, here is that discussion to share with our group:

Betty Lehnus to Vera Curnow:
I've just finished realing Alyona Nickelsen's Colored Pencil Painting Bible. It's filled with solid advice and information, esp. about how to make good use of digital tools. But, as with almost every publication about colored pencil, the working assumption is that a very tight, nearly photo-real approach is what we are all looking for. I'd love to see an exploration of abstract, semi-abstract or simply "loose" cp techniques and work in To the Point. Surely as artists we don't want to limit our work/goals to one approach!
Betty Lehnus
CPSA Chapter 219
Albuquerque New Mexico


Vera's Response:
I'm with you, Betty. This has been one of my contentions since the conception of CPSA. I'll be on the look out for the types of work you suggested for inclusion in TTP. I'll look to find something/someone to publish for this Fall issue.

As for books more open to the edgy, creative side of colored pencil, I'm afraid publishers like North Light and Watson-Guptil are looking for universally appealing works & techniques that will interest the masses. They have pigeon-holed our medium. (Deep Sigh.)

Thanks for writing, Betty. We are kindred spirits. I'm glad you "rattled my cage" on this subject.
Best regards,
Vera Curnow, Founder
Colored Pencil Society of America

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hi members! We have more details about our next show. We hope you're already working on some new pieces because we need YOU to contribute to our success! The show will run from May 13 through May 31. The opening reception will be on Friday, May 15 from 5 -8 pm. (You betta be there!)

• The Wooden Cow Gallery is in the Mossman Center at 7400 Montgomery Blvd.
• Drop off entries from -- Wed to Sat: May 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th -- between 11am and 7pm.
• Artwork must be framed, matted and ready to hang by wire.
• Inventory sheet and release form to be filled out when you drop work off.

There is no theme except it be colored pencil and there is no limit to number of pieces.
(My concern is not that there will be too much but too few. Make me wrong!)

The gallery reserves the right to reject any piece for any reason.
All work should be for sale, but a few pieces NFS will be allowed.
Commission is only 25% (THIS IS A BARGAIN!)
You can pick up postcard adversivements at the gallery after this week. Call at 505-999-1280 to be sure.
Check out the gallery at
Work must be picked up after the show, but before June 13. (?)

Many, many thanks to Wendell Unzicker for offering us this opportunity.

So, please, don't let us down!