• Please bring one or more pieces of your Colored Pencil artwork: recently finished or something you're still working on.
We're going to try doing a group "Critique" . . . please remember that "critique" is not "criticism" in the sense of "it's good" or "it's bad." The idea is to look, really look at the artwork and identify some of its features such as, "what is the mood or feeling conveyed," "why do you think the artist created this work," "what do you think it means," "how did the artist create this piece?" It should be both fun and thought-provoking -- and the more pieces we have to look at the better - so please bring artwork. (If you still have the small landscapes we started when we had the session about values, bring them.)
Of course we'll have our ever-popular 50/50 cash drawing, see what's new in the library, talk a bit more about the upcoming Masterworks-miniatures show and much much more . . .
Hope to see you Saturday.
President DC219