Sunday, March 25, 2012

Meeting Recap 3/24/12: PORTRAITS with FRED MILLER

One more CPSA DC219 meeting day has passed - and wow, did we pack it full of news, events, and information! Oh, and a little bit of art too. It was a packed-house at The Artist Studio at Hoffman Town Center this past weekend, where CPSA members got an exclusive portrait presentation from renowned local artist, Fred Miller. Bonus: we got to see a couple of our members' work spaces at the Studio!

We began with our usual brief meeting :

Updates from President Jeff:
• We received a very official Thank You note from CPSA National, for our donation to the 8th Annual Explore This! awards funds. (a copy of this letter will be posted in a separate blog post shortly)
• We are reminded that our permanent meeting location is moving to the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church starting in May. (location details will be also posted in a separate blog post shortly)
• Will we have a Mailing List of member contact info made available to all local members? Please voice your opinion, either in the comments section of this post, or email President Jeff and give him a piece of your mind!
• For anyone that wasn't able to join us at the meeting, or for anyone that just didn't get enough, The Artist Studio is having an Open House on April 1st, 1-5pm.
• MEMBER ACHIEVEMENTS:Our chapter's own, Mike Austin, received a Second Place award form the VA National Medical Center of Albuquerque's Art Show, for one of his lovely colored pencil pieces. Congratulations Mike!

After all the business stuff was out of the way, we took a short break to chat and explore a few of the artist spaces, including our own members' spaces - Ann Jeffries and Barbara Nahler:

Then it was time for Fred Miller to share just a snippet of his vast experience and knowledge of portraiture. Here are a few image collages of the presentation:

I invite to you share any important points or tips, that stood out to you from the presentation in our comments section below!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

President's Message: Spring 2012

I am excited for our next meeting at The Artist Studio this Saturday (please see side bar for location & time details)! Mr. Fred Miller is an exceptional portrait artist based right here in Albuquerque. He is a treasured local artist, a past president of the Pastel Society, and has proven his outstanding commitment to the world of art though teaching & workshops!

I believe his true dedication can be seen through his own words: "…I am a full time painter and teacher of portrait painting." His sincere hope is to be considered by his students as one of the teachers who profoundly helped them realize their potential in the field of art. He has studied with a number of outstanding artists, including Jackie Goodyear, Sally Strand, Albert Handel, and Bud Edmondson. And like our own group - they shared, taught, and pushed each other to a higher level.

On his website, I found not only portraits, but impressive landscapes in oil and pastel. I encourage our members to look at Mr. Miller's website before the next meeting.

I cannot wait for this meeting and am looking forward to seeing Fred Miller in action, and all of our talented members as well!

Sincerely Your Prez
Jeff Stephenson
President, CPSA - DC219