Monday, May 21, 2012

Meeting Reminder & President's Message

Vanity, Martin Vela, 2007
Colored pencil on museum board
A note from the Prez,

Hello to the talented artists of NM CPSA-219! I can’t believe how time flies and our next meeting is this Saturday, May 26th! Please take note of our new location and time for the monthly CPSA meeting on the CPSA Blog.

We are fortunate to have Martin Vela coming to visit us. Martin's artwork has won prizes in shows organized by the Colored Pencil Society of America, The Colored Pencil Society of New Mexico, and the United Kingdom Colored Pencil Society. Martin will be sharing his insight into the world of art in various media. In Martin’s own words “My works are attempts to recreate naturally occurring optical effects – effects of light and reflection and shadow, and of color and surfaces.”

Members who remember the 2006 International CPSA Convention here in Albuquerque may already know Martin and recognize what an incredible opportunity this is. It'll be a meeting you will not want to miss!

Sincerely Your Prez,

Jeff Stephenson
President, CPSA - DC219

Sunday, May 6, 2012

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Our New Permanent Meeting Location

Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church: 8600 Academy Rd. NE, 87111

See you on May 26th - NEW TIME 12:30 - 3pm

Meeting Recap 4/28/12: Still Life & Life Drawing On-Location at Masterworks

Welcome to our new and improve blog! I hope things are still easy to find in the new arrangement.

What a fabulous CPSA DC219 meeting we had last week - We met at the Masterwork Show at the Hispanic Arts Building at Expo New Mexico, where CPSA members got to choose from three still life set ups or a model for life drawing (*Many thanks to our fabulous volunteer model, Phil Kilgour). Bonus: we got to the fabulous Masterworks show in all it's glory, on its very last day!

We began with our usual brief meeting - Updates from President Jeff:
• Reminder - the CPSA National Convention will be taking place in Covington, KY from July 30th - August 4th this year. A financial stipend is available for a single member that would like to attend as a representative of our chapter, please contact President Jeff if you are interested.
• We were reminded that our permanent meeting location is moving to the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church starting at our next meeting, May 26th. (location details will be also posted in a separate blog)
• A Mailing List of member contact info was handed out. Email Treasurer Les if you need one or would like your information added-to or updated-on the list.
*Please note that the member list appearing on the right sidebar is updated - former members, that have not renewed their local membership, names' have been removed. I will also be updating my email list - if your name does not appear on this list (and/or you have not provided an email with your contact information on the list) you will no longer receive email notices about blog updates from me.

Mike Austin shows off some of his NEW WORK!

President Jeff checks his notes and a sampling of our life drawing set-ups

Members & guests in action!

Results! Lots of Cowboys fighting over one horse. ;)