Friday, February 20, 2009

BEN-O-GRAM: February '09

Hi Folks! We have a GREAT meeting coming!
WHEN: SATURDAY, Feb. 28 at 1:00 PM(after this, we start at NOON).
WHERE: Room 5, Bear Canyon Senior Center.
We’ll be viewing the colored pencil pictures from the last National CPSA Show. What a great opportunity to get ideas for you next artwork. This has always been a highlight program.
*And, if you’ve finished any art trading cards, we have time for some swapping.

KUDOS: Our supermember, Barbara Nahler, is currently showing at The First Unitarian Church, Commanche and Carlisle. She’s one in the two-artist show.
If you’ve not seen her unique work, you just gotta go there! Call the church at 884-1801 for the best times to visit.

LOOKING AHEAD: Start thinking about (and hopefully, working on) what you are going to enter in our upcoming show at The Art Center at Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos in NOVEMBER (not very far away).

See you at the meeting!
Ben Nurry