Get ready for our meeting this Saturday by selecting a piece of artwork you would like to have scanned!
Chapter member, Melinda Beavers, will be running though the scanning process and also touch on some basic digital editing processes. Bring your sketchbooks and pencils as well, after the overview presentation, Melinda will invite members with artwork to scan to go through the process individually - other members will be welcome to watch or draw on their own during that time.
*Please note: If you are bringing a piece of artwork to scan, it must be smaller than 8.5 x 11".
Also, due to time constrictions, we cannot garuntee that every person who brings a piece of artwork will have the to opportunity to have it scanned. If you have a small portable USB hard drive or a blank data CD-R, please bring it along to receive your scanned artwork file immediately, otherwise delivery will depend on email - and not all mailboxes can receive large digital files (3MB or larger).
Melinda will be demonstrating with the VueScan program, software that is available for both Mac and Windows platforms and for various consumer scanners. The software is available for online purchase/download here.