SATURDAY, 12:00pm to 3:00 pm,
Room 5, BEAR CANYON SR. CNTR. (directions below).
Hello CPSA Chapter 219 members! Are you ready to another fabulous colored pencil meeting & program? Joan Catacosinos will be joining us to advise us on the technique of working with colored pencil on black. Chapter member Barbara Nahler will be assisting Joan in the presentation. Bring some of your pencils for practice and experimentation, a variety of black paper will be provided. Also, if you have some, bring WHITE WATERCOLOR or GOUACHE for another variation of the technique.
Mark your calendars now and we hope to see you all there! DIRECTIONS: From Eubank and Montgomery: Go NORTH on Eubank to first street on right (Lagrima de Oro).
Turn EAST (right, toward the Sandias).
Watch for BROWN SIGN (SeniorCenter) Turn Left on PITT ST.
Enter parking lot on your LEFT.