Lin & Judy showed items that they purchased at Artisan’s Expo 2014. Both mentioned the lack of colored pencils at the show and an overall disappointment in what was available. Highlights included wooden boards in which colored pencil could be directly applied or as a support for paper, new pencil cases that stand upright, sanded paper that is to fill the void between U-Art and Kitty Wallis, Mineral Paper that is water-resistent and Splash Inks.
Rex brought his laptop and projector so we could view The CPSA 2014 International Show and Exlore This 10! DVD.
This was the last meeting of 2014. Meetings will resume in 2015 on the 4th Saturday of the month at Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, room 407. New Time 1:00 to 3:30 pm.
Holiday Party will be Saturday, December 13, noon to 3pm at Lin’s house. It will be a potluck and an ornament exchange for those that wish to participate. Info will be emailed closer to the date.
Colored Pencil Art Show at the NMAL – Since we need to have the entry fee cover the $300 rental of the space and refreshments for the opening (sharing refreshments with the Rio Rancho Art Association) it was decided that there will be a $10 per piece entry fee. Info/registration forms will be emailed at a later date.
Susan Cooper announced that her book, Football Facts for Females or If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em is available on Amazon or from her.
Dues were collected. Reminder that our year goes from November 1 thru October 31.
Rex – 2 pieces he did plein aire in Jemez, NM
April – 2 experiments on colored paper
Jean – 3 paintings - cactus, rose & adobe
Silvia – miniature looking through a window into a room in Spain
Granville – several experiments with Zen tangles
Attendance: Lin McKay, Carolyn Poole, Mike Austin, Susan Cooper, Midge Tosten Kilgour, Nancy Grover, Ann Jeffries, Keith Coffee, Jean A. Thurow, Ben Nurry, Granville Chorn, Jeff Stephenson, April Radbill, Silvia Nessi Del Frate, Rex Barron, Judy Scarton, Barbara Nahler, Bonnie Buckley, Sally Prince