Melinda Beavers discussed and demonstrated several products from Caran d'Arch — samples were given out.
Calendar Review (events, meetings)
August Meeting to be at Lin's (Summer Potluck)
Fall Show at St. John's—Group voted YES.
Rex – Pencil case, group product discussion
Shirley – New Product: Liquid Cold Wax
Attendance: Carolyn Poole, Rex Barron, Mike Austin, Lin McKay, Melinda Beavers, Midge Tosten Kilgour, Judy Scarton, Mary Stovall, Shirley Levy, Silvia Nessi Del Frate, Bonnie Buckley, Diane Inman, Barbara Nahler, Keith Coffee, April Radbill, Audrey Minard, *Burele Mills (Guest)