Frank Lloyd Wright (American architect)

From Montgomery and Morris ( Morris is one light W. of Juat Tabo, one light E. of Eubank)
Turn RIGHT (EAST) on Lagroma de Oro.
Turn LEFT at entrance to La Vida Llena.
Drive up to main entrance. You can leave the car right there,if you just drop your stuff off inside. Leave your photos EITHER at desk to your right or at the window to the left. They're expecting them. Just tell them they're for Ben Nurry.
Any questions? Call me at 291-5871 or lbnurry@comcast.net. And thanx.
President: Betty Lehnus
Vice President: Jeff Stephenson
Secretary: Melinda Beavers
Treasurer: Les Lemkin
Program Chair/Venues: Mike Austin.
(He needs a Co-Chair, so please - we need someone to help him fill this all-important job)
These ideas on how to make paintings more salable are surely open to debate . . . but worth thinking about . . . BettyThe comments section is open - let's make an effort for each member to leave an opinion!!
I've just finished realing Alyona Nickelsen's Colored Pencil Painting Bible. It's filled with solid advice and information, esp. about how to make good use of digital tools. But, as with almost every publication about colored pencil, the working assumption is that a very tight, nearly photo-real approach is what we are all looking for. I'd love to see an exploration of abstract, semi-abstract or simply "loose" cp techniques and work in To the Point. Surely as artists we don't want to limit our work/goals to one approach!Betty Lehnus
I'm with you, Betty. This has been one of my contentions since the conception of CPSA. I'll be on the look out for the types of work you suggested for inclusion in TTP. I'll look to find something/someone to publish for this Fall issue.Best regards,
As for books more open to the edgy, creative side of colored pencil, I'm afraid publishers like North Light and Watson-Guptil are looking for universally appealing works & techniques that will interest the masses. They have pigeon-holed our medium. (Deep Sigh.)
Thanks for writing, Betty. We are kindred spirits. I'm glad you "rattled my cage" on this subject.
"The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims."Local DC 219 member, Rex Barron, was accepted into the CPSA's Explore This! 5 show. Rex had this to say his piece,
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, November, 1962
"...this was certainly the least colorful of the two I submitted, but maybe the subject rang true with the latest headlines."Congratulations, Rex! To see more of Rex's work, check out his website.