Sunday, January 25, 2009

Accepted: EXPLORE THIS! 5

"The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims."
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, November, 1962
Local DC 219 member, Rex Barron, was accepted into the CPSA's Explore This! 5 show. Rex had this to say his piece,
"...this was certainly the least colorful of the two I submitted, but maybe the subject rang true with the latest headlines."
Congratulations, Rex! To see more of Rex's work, check out his website.

And CPSA now has a blog too! Read all about Explore this! 5 and other news & events here.

A complete list of the accepted artists is also available on the CPSA's website.

Member Suggestion: More ATC News

Here's a link for a FREE 25-page online sample issue of ATCQuarterly magazine --- lots of goodies about Artists Trading Cards and nice examples ...

from member, betty johnson

MEETING: 1/24/09 Artist Trading Cards

A few images from our latest meeting. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Project: Artist Trading Cards

Artist Trading Cards (ATC's) are all the rage!

At this month's CPSA 219 meeting, member Barabara Nahler introduced us all the this phenomenon and generously passed out various types of blank Strathmore ATC's for our members to create on. Our job is to complete as many trading cards as we'd like or can, to bring to the next meeting to trade with each other. Fun!

For more information, visit Strathmore's Website
Also, search Yahoo groups to find out about various groups online trading cards!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ben-O-Gram for 1/24/09

Hi there!
Happy New Year!! How about some Colored Pencil Resolutions?

#1. Vow to come to more of your CPSA meetings this year, Like our first one of the new year on SATURDAY JAN. 24 at the BEAR CANYON SENIOR CENTER. Please note that the meetings this year will start one hour earlier--at 12:00 NOON.
We'll be doing something NEW and EXCITING for the program. We'll be making Colored Pencil TRADING CARDS!! To find out more, please come.

#2. Please pay your annual dues ($15) if you haven't already. Send check to
Audrey Minard, PO BOX 2541, Tijeras, NM 87059.

#3. NOW is the time to get started on your MINIATURES for entry into the MasterWorks show in APRIL. For each of the last several years we have filled more than one panel at the show with our successful entries. Don't let us down this year. There will be more information at the meeting. Or contact me at 505-291-5871.

Directions to Bear Canyon Sr. Cntr: Start at Montgomery and Eubank. Turn North and then East on Lagrima de Oro (the very first street) Look for a brown sign. Turn North on Pitt St. Parking lot is on your left near the end oif the block.

See you There!
p.s. don't forget to bring a batch of colored pencils to the meeting!
