Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Of Note: Hobby Lobby Special

Hobby Lobby has all their artists pencils, including Prismacolor at 30% off this week -- until Sat., Feb 20th.


*click image to link to online flyer

Monday, February 15, 2010

Upcoming Meeting: February 27th

Our next CPSA 219 meeting is February 27 (two weeks from this coming Saturday). 12:00-3:00 at the Bear Canyon Senior Center.

The program will concentrate on miniatures for the upcoming MasterWorks show. Remember, the postmark deadline for your entry form & fees is March 20. If you don't have a prospectus please call Ben at (505) 291-5871 and he'll mail you one asap. Or you can download the prospectus here (print pages 1,6-8). Last year was a real colored pencil disappointment. So this year we really want to get back to 20+ accepted pieces.

Please bring ALL your new and old minis to the February meeting. Thanks to Ben, we'll have the expert advice of Kim Bell, an award-winning miniaturist and former MasterWorks judge -- so this is your chance to get your questions answered and hear some on-target feedback about your pieces before you enter the show. For example, I'll be bringing a couple new 3"x5" landscapes -- the look is kind of 'soft focus' amd I want to know if that's likely to mean the jury will put them in the 'out' pile.

If you haven't started your minis yet -- now's the time. One good thing about minis is that you can fill the paper a lot quicker than when you're working big. ; )

Betty Lehnus
President, CPSA Ch. 219

Monday, February 8, 2010

Social Designer: More about the 500 pencils & another reference

The current issue of Drawing Magazine, Winter 2010 (out now) has a profile of Holly Bedrosian titled, "A Colored Pencil Artist Emerges" .... I think this is the only publication that regularly features our medium.

Did a little pooking around and found that the 500 Pencils offer also supports UNESCO -- see "Overview" on this page.
