Saturday, January 14, 2012


ALAS! The Bear Canyon Senior Center is closed for the cleaning on the date of our upcoming meeting!

So, in an effort to stick to our guns and start the year off right, we're postponing Ann Jeffries' Zentangles presentation and going out for an on-location "sketchcrawl" at the Botanic Garden, part of the ABQ BioPark. There are parts of the gardens that are enclosed and have benches to sit and sketch. This is a great opportunity to draw together.
There is an entrance fee of $7 for adults and $3 for seniors.
The Botanic Garden and Aquarium is located at 2601 Central NW, 87104
We'll be meeting just inside the Botanic Garden entrance at noon, (12pm) January 28th.

What is a sketchcrawl? Sketchcrawling started when artist, Enrico Casarosa, had an idea:
"to record nonstop everything I could around me with my pencil and watercolors. A drawn journal filled with details ranging from the all the coffee I drank to the different buses I took. After a whole day of drawing and walking around the city the name seemed quite fitting: “SketchCrawl” – a drawing marathon. The crawl was more tiring than I imagined but also more fun and exciting than I had thought. Giving yourself this kind of mandate for a full day changes the way you look around you. It makes you stop and see things just a tad longer, just a bit deeper … needless to say I loved it."

Our Sketchcrawl won't be a whole day, but we can try for a solid hour or two in the park to start! Bring your sketchbooks, pencils, and any other portable media and let's fill some pages! At the end of our time, we can meet back up and share our experiences with these "drawing journals".

You may be receiving a call from one of our board members in the next few days, to confirm everyone is notified about this change, and to ask if you are "yes", "no" or "maybe" planning to attend.